«‎Hdrip» Emma. Movie Watch

3.2 / 5
Votes: 854

Emma. «‎Hdrip»



Release Date 2020

7,7 / 10 stars
Rating 12501 Votes
genre Drama
2h, 4 minutes

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Emma is literally living the dream and she deserves it. Here"s me and a cat you can"t hate me now -Emma Chamberlain. Emma: I"m gonna dye my hair and talk about my feelings Also Emma: didn"t dye her hair and didn"t talk about her feelings me: ????????.

> Mayor bootygig <. I love you Emma ???. I swear ppl be but hurt over the littlest things these days. “Omg your a human?” “Omg you messed up” wow we hate you now. We love u Emma. “iM sO sOrRy eMmA” everybody who said that were the people that were HATING on her. Shes an 18 year old girl who is trying to do what she wants, but when she does something you dont like, you drag her to FILTH. Whenever she does something an 18 year old normally does, SHE gets attacked. Yes, I know she chose to put her life out, but is it necessary to give her hate for everything she does? Let her live. Lol why is Emma getting so much hate, she can do whatever she wants. Kinda sad people are attacking her just cause she didnt dye her hair.

I come from NORWAY????.

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